Friday, June 3, 2016

Debrifing Meeting

The meeting began with introductions of both the 2015-2016 team and summer students working on the project. This was done by going around the room saying names and where they will or had been working on for the Spartan Superway. 
After the floor was given to the 2015-2016 team to tell of their experiences from this past year. This included events from Maker’s Faire to what could have been done better. At Maker’s Faire the project received 3 Editor’s Choice Blue Ribbons, which had not happened before. Also, one team member had noticed at the Cal Berkeley Solar Car Booth the project was interdisciplinary. Their group was divided into sections with a specific dedication: business, engineering, and planning team. The business team focused on sponsorships, engineering team did design and creation, and the planning team created events and organized the project. Having these kinds of teams could have led to more success and completion of the projects. It was also noted that having engineers from other fields could offer guidance since it is their specialized areas. 
Many group members felt there was a lot of work and accomplishments but overall had fun. At Maker’s Faire kids were excited and interested in the project and even offered their opinions. Spectators were impressed by the work completed and the cabin model, especially the bike and finishing models. Ron Swenson noted he was asked many times how fast was the podcar would move. This question would need to the addressed by looking at human factors which an ISE could offer insight. Also, many people thought VTA was backing the project, so having a main sponsor coulpromote a stabilized project. 
In terms of fabrication, teams realized there was a large learning curve. This could have been remedied if class time was used to teach techniques from people of certified areas. Like having Jack (member of the 2014-2015 team) or Kyle, from the shop on campus, come in and offerworkshops on fabrication techniques. One member noted there was less time for fabrication because of breaks and presentation time. Some group members felt there was an issue with ordering parts and materials. This would allow one designated person to keep track of spending and ordering parts, instead of people turning in individual receipts for reimbursement.
After discussing experiences groups witnessed this year, they shared beneficial knowledge with the new students. 
• There is a lot of things which need fixing
• Designing is not a real life example
Deflection can occur which had not been accounted for in modeling
Do not take forever to design, the turnaround should be fast
A block diagram for development in design and building 
• More communication
Subteam to subteam meetings
Having a server for sharing information and constantly updated with current files
No delaying of information because it will only cause more delays
People need to know and keep up with deadlines
People need to be on the same page
Be willing to help and ask for help when needed
• Creating a forum for documentation, tracking, and accountability
Have a master Gantt chart
Always for universal communication
• People need to be held accountable for their work
• Project manager would be good to have
• Teams should be divided equally or have the right number of students to complete the work. Also have people in groups they are qualified to help in. 
• There needs to be a sense of urgency to get things done, what needs to happen early, and there needs to be dedication
Students who are available to help or give knowledge on:
• Henry: 3D printing
• Chris: will be available to help
• Alex: demo on welding